State-of-the-art molding technology allows us to ensure that automated plastic molding is a fast and efficient process, and the manufactured plastic products are free of defects. The range of our products is very wide, and you can view specific products and read more about them by clicking on the product catalog.

Different molding machines allow us to produce plastic parts of various weights and sizes, accessories (for example, label holders, cases), office supplies and other plastic products. Plastic molding in our company is a flexible process, and the weight of molded products varies from 1 to 1300 g. We use many different raw materials for molding, including PP, PE, PS, POM.PC, ABS, PA.


As we constantly strive to move forward, we consider the wide range of services we provide a great advantage. We not only cast plastic products from existing molds or molds brought by customers, but we are also interested in the production of molding molds – with the help of the team’s creativity and professionalism, we design and develop the industrial design of new products, create their prototypes, and mediate in the production of new molding molds.

Over a couple of decades, we have earned the trust of many customers and partners. Currently, our products are used by the largest shopping centers and well-known brands.

Smooth cooperation, flexibility, timely work – these are indicators of the professionalism of JSC “Litpolstar”, even evaluated by several ISO certificates.